Matt’s Five Goals For 2015
Seems like everybody sets New Year's Resolutions, every single year. I haven't set any for a long, long time, but this year I have some goals I need to accomplish.
In 2015, I expect myself to accomplish and/or begin working towards the goals I've set for myself. I said accomplish or begin working on because, you don't just get back into shape. It takes time, it's not a goal to each a certain number on the scale and then stop, it's a goal to continue working out, staying healthy and eating right. You can't do that for just a few months and be happy... it needs to be part of your lifestyle.
Matt's 5 Goals for 2015
1.) Learn about small engine repair. Simply repairs, I should be able to handle, right now, I'm pretty clueless.
2.) Read more books. I didn't finish ONE book in 2014, not ONE! That's terrible.
3.) Get back on my workout routine. Working out used to be so simply for me, then about two months before the baby was born, I just stopped. I haven't done anything in at LEAST six months... again, that's terrible.
4.) Be more disciplined. If the only time I have to workout is 5:30AM, then I need to be up at 5:15am.
5.) Work on being more patient. I'm always in a hurry and want things done "right now". If I step back, make a plan and execute, rather than going bonkers over everything I need to accomplish, life would be much less stressful.