Believe it or no, if you don't include Super Bowls, the biggest delivery day in Domino's Pizza history is . . . the day of the O.J. Simpson Bronco chase in June of 1994.
Believe it or no, the "Guinness Book of World Records" is in the "Guinness Book of World Records" . . . as the best-selling copyrighted book of all time.
Believe it or no, the largest uninhabited island on Earth is Devon Island in northern Canada. No one can live there because of the climate . . . but scientists can use it to simulate Mars. So its nickname is "Mars on Earth."
A famous Canadian hunter named Francis Wharton shot a deer in the late 1960s, but didn't have any teeth . . . so he made dentures out of the deer's OWN TEETH and used those to eat it.
Mother's Day is this Sunday, May 9, and the River Morning Show thought it would be fun to test their knowledge by trying to guess some popular television moms on-air. Can you name all of them?