Minnesota’s Guide To Determining Who Should Pay For Dinner
It's fun, going out to eat with your family and friends. However, the fun quickly turns a little awkward when the check finally arrives at your table. I don't know about you, but I've gotten into more than a few uncomfortable exchanges with family members over who gets to pay the bill. I will insist, they will decline, and I will insist again...It seems to happen every single time we dine out. So, here's a fool proof guide to help you out and make your dinners run a little more smoothly.
- Business dinners--If you called the business dinner, then you should pay. The "inviter" or initiator should always expect to pay.
- Dinner with an acquaintance--There are two determining factors here...are the meals close in price? If the answer is yes, then you split the bill. If the meals are vastly different price-wise, it's OK to ask for separate checks.
- Dinner with your bestie--Split the check if the prices are comparable. Otherwise, it's OK to take turns getting the tab.
- Birthday dinners--Never let the birthday person pay for their own meal. If you're out with a group of friends, then each person should equally pitch in to get the birthday person's tab.
- Dinner with a co-worker--Pay separately.
- With parents/siblings--Parents usually cover the dinner for their children no matter how old they get. It's perfectly acceptable for you to gesture to pay for the bill for your parents. When it comes to dinner with your siblings, split the bill or take turns grabbing the tab.
- Dinner with the in-laws--The most senior person is typically expected to flip the bill. But, it's OK to make a nice gesture if you have more of a means and pick up the check.