I’m Hate Daylight Savings Time, But Not For The Reason You Think
It's almost that time of year again to move your clocks ahead as we spring forward into Daylight Savings Time. Some people are complaining that the 2 a.m. fast forward on March 11 is annoying because they'll lose an hour of sleep.
While that may be true, I dislike daylight savings time for a very different reason. For the next few months, until we roll clocks backwards, the clock in my car will be wrong. It'll confuse me for months, create mini panic attacks and make me feel like I'm running remarkably late for things
Why don't I just change my clock? That's a good question. The clock in my car is kind of complicated to figure out. I've changed the clock before but when you only change it twice a year, it's easy to forget how to do it. Most of the time I only think about changing it when I'm already driving to where I need to be and pressed for time.
I typically get used to having an incorrect clock by August. My brain will mentally note that it's an hour ahead--by then it's nearly time to change the clock back again.
I don't understand why we need to mess around with all of this time change all of the time. It's supposed to be for farmers, but does it really help them out all that much? I think we need to get our poop in a group and do away with this whole time change thing! I mean, it is pretty weird...as a nation we collectively pretend it's one time and then delete an hour every spring. Try explaining how that works to a kid.
But, I'll have to admit, I do enjoy having more daylight in the evening!