I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw this.

I was passing through the Games section of Target on my way to Fitness when I saw a handheld version of the classic 80's computer game Oregon Trail.

The Oregon Trail was hands down my favorite computer game as a kid. I played it all the time. It made such an impression, it's still the one game I reminisce fondly over as an adult and at times have desperately wanted to play again.

So when I saw this handheld version in Target I literally stopped and just held it. If I was an impulse buyer, I likely would have purchased it on the spot. I'm still tempted to go back and buy it for myself.

Did you play The Oregon Trail when you were younger?

Also, did you know the Oregon Trail was invented right here in Minnesota by three student teachers? Read the really cool story behind one of the greatest -- in my humble opinion -- games ever here.

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