Have you ever won something from a silent auction or bought something from a flea market, only to fall in love with a product you know you may never be able to find again?

That was the case for a Facebook user named Crystal, who recently posted in the "St. Cloud, MN Area Community" page in search of a pickle she could not shake.

"Hello everyone! This may be a long shot but I figured I would try. In the beginning of October I played in a volleyball tournament in Rice. During the tournament, a silent auction was going on.


I wrote my name down several times to win a basket of canned items (mostly because of the pickles) and I ended up winning it. When I say these pickles were the best pickled I've ever had in my life... I mean it.


I'm talking mouth watering, seasoned to perfection, crunchy, they were everything I wanted AND more. It wasn't just a pickle- it was a revelation, bright and bold, yet comforting, as if it had been crafted with a secret recipe passed down through generations.


The flavor lingered long after, leaving me craving more, but savoring the memory of that perfect, crunchy bite. I would sell a kidney or a first born child to get my hands on another jar.


Anyways, I am trying to find the lady who made them so I can order more! If anyone knows who this might be... please let me know. I appreciate any help!"


Luckily for Crystal, another Facebook user named Amy WAS able to figure out where the pickles came from: P&V Awesome Sauce of Rice, Minnesota!

They've been getting some extra attention since the original post a few days ago:

Looks like you can get their pickles at Bad Habit Brewing on Saturday, November 30th!

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