Visitors to the zoo voted for their favorite name over the MEA weekend.

Last week, Como Park Zoo & Conservatory announced that they had narrowed down over 100 name finalist to just 3 for the new baby giraffe born last month. Elliot, Fonzie and Sota were the three names picked that visitors to the zoo could vote for during MEA weekend.

Today, Monday, October 21, the zoo announced the winning name: Sota!

Sota, of course, is short for Minnesota, the state the giraffe was born in! Elliot was a nod to the movie E.T. (some said the baby giraffe resembled the funny alien creature) while Fonzie was a nod to the Happy Days character by the same name.

According to Como Zoo, Sota won with 43% of the votes, followed by Elliot with 37% and Fonzie with 20%. Over 2,300 ballots were cast. Read more about Sota here.

In an unofficial survey of our own, Central Minnesotas were tied to see Como's newest addition to the giraffe enclosure named Elliot and Sota; Geoffrey (also spelled Jeffery) the Giraffe also received a couple nominations as a humored nod to the Toys R Us mascot.

Sota is available for sponsorship at Como Park Zoo & Conservatory, which you can find out more about here.

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