Brew Review: Loon Juice
When summer hits, I find my tastes gravitating towards sweeter offerings like cider, wine and margaritas. I'm also partial to anything brewed here in the great state of Minnesota, so I couldn't pass up when I saw this bottle on the shelves.
I mean, for one, it's called Loon Juice! A clever name is sometimes half the battle when it comes to getting people's attention and this logo jumped off the shelf at me. Whoever designed this did a great job. Very eye catching.
Loon Juice is put out by Four Daughters Vineyard & Winery in Spring Valley, MN. I grabbed the solo bottle, but from what I saw on their Facebook page, it should be available at some retailers in cans. Perfect for the lakes.
Canned yesterday, headed to stores at this moment. Can't get much fresher than that!
Posted by Loon Juice on Friday, May 22, 2015
Comparing this to Angry Orchard (a cider I find most people have tried), Loon Juice is not as sweet, which is a plus for me. Some ciders are too sweet for my taste. I found Loon Juice to be crisp and a little dry. So if you find some of the other ciders on the market are just too sweet for you, give this Minnesota cider a try!
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