[WATCH] Congrats, Iowa, You Punk’d Us Good
Let's be honest, we give Iowa a good amount of flak.
Besides corn fields and...well...more corn fields, we don't can't seem to find much more to talk about regarding our friends to the south.
Apparently, however, we're not the only ones who think Iowa is just a Midwest flyover state.
Travel Iowa -- Iowa's travel department -- recently pulled off a brilliant prank for the sole purpose of showing off all that Iowa really does have to offer.
In a video posted online, Travel Iowa set up a fake real estate office in Manhattan, NY. They secretly filled it with actors and listings that were actually from Iowa. As New Yorkers came in to look at real estate options, the "agent" Nicole showed them listings that went above and beyond what they were hoping for at unbelievably affordable prices. Needless to say, the New Yorkers were shocked at the listings and couldn't believe they were actually located in New York City. That's when Nicole revealed that they weren't; they were located in Iowa. She then shared the great qualities that Iowa has to offer - James Beard Award-winning restaurants; up-and-coming neighborhoods in cities like Dubuque, Des Moines and Waterloo; job opportunities in sectors like global financing, technology and life sciences; ranked as the #1 state in the country and #5 place to raise a family.
Watch the video for yourself below: