Vaccine Or Negative Test Soon To Be Required For Twin Cities Sporting Events
If you would like to attend a Minnesota Wild or Timberwolves game in the near future, be prepared to show proof of vaccine or a negative COVID test. A new mandate is set to begin January 27th.
According to the Star Tribune, new restrictions were announced by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter. All fans attending sporting events in those cities will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative test that was taken within 72 hours of the event.
The paper adds that the restrictions also apply to any Twin Cities business that serves food and drink such as restaurants and bowling alleys. The new rules will apply to those businesses beginning on January 19th, while ticketed event enforcement will be beginning on January 27th.
One current exception to this rule seems to be at the University of Minnesota, who tells the Star Tribune that they are working on their own plan.
The Timberwolves are scheduled to play at home on January 30th against Utah, while the Wild don't have a home game between January 27th and March 1st due to a league-wide Olympic break around that time.
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