Teacher Of The Week: Elizabeth Neigum Of Pine Meadow
Congratulations to this week's "Teacher of the Week," Elizabeth Neigum Of Pine Meadow Primary School in Sartell. Ms. Neigum is a special education teacher at Pine Meadow that was nominated by one of her students:
(We) want to nominate Mrs.Neigum for teacher of the week because "she's so nice and kind." Mrs. Neigum goes out of her way every two weeks to make stops at student's houses to drop off school supplies. She also organized a valentines exchange for the online students and picked up and delivered their candies so the class can still celebrate and exchange gifts. She always finds fun ways to interact with the kids through stories, music, and games. (We) look forward to her daily meetings. We appreciate how she goes above and beyond to make online school children feel more connected.
Let's face it, teachers this have faced more challenges than ever during this past year and they all deserve a little more recognition. If you know of an educator who is consistently going above and beyond the call of duty, you can nominate them for Teacher of the Week HERE.
It could be your child's teacher, someone who taught you in the past that made an impact on your life, your neighbor who is a teacher... really, any instructor who you feel deserves some extra kudos. You don't need to write a novel to nominate someone, a couple of sentences will do, so don't be nervous!
The form takes just a couple of seconds to fill out and could lead to a lifetime memory for that special teacher in your life.
Whether it is in person or over a video call, we will make sure to let that teacher know just how appreciated they are, especially during these tough times.
If your teacher is selected they will receive a batch of goodies from All Star Trophy and Awards, Coyote Moon Grill, Great Harvest Bread, St. Cloud Floral and Mathnasium.
Thank you to ALL the teachers out there for everything you do!