Teacher Of The Month: Jen Madrigal, Sartell High School
Congratulations to March's Teacher of the Month: Jen Madrigal of Sartell High School. Ms. Madrigal is a Spanish teacher at Sartell and was nominated by her student, Isabelle:
Madrigal is always so kind, caring, and compassionate. She always comes to class with great enthusiasm, and she genuinely makes learning fun!! I love her class because of how hard she works to make it fun and still informative! She can always make me smile with her Spanglish jokes :) Madrigal works tirelessly to not only help our class but other classes when they need it too! I am so grateful to have her as a teacher!
Our winning teacher was presented with gift cards to Coyote Moon Grill, Concrete Image Salon and Great Harvest Bread, along with a commemorative plaque from All Star Trophy and Awards.
Let's face it, teachers have faced more challenges than ever during this past year and they all deserve a little more recognition. If you know of an educator who is consistently going above and beyond the call of duty, you can nominate them for Teacher of the Month HERE.
It could be your child's teacher, someone who taught you in the past that made an impact on your life, your neighbor who is a teacher... really, any instructor who you feel deserves some extra kudos. You don't need to write a novel to nominate someone, a couple of sentences will do, so don't be nervous!