
I Bet Your Marriage Wasn’t This Bad!
I Bet Your Marriage Wasn’t This Bad!
I Bet Your Marriage Wasn’t This Bad!
As a man that is not rich, nor that has had an abundance of success when it comes to relationships - I always get a kick out of stories about celebrities getting divorced. It interests me. Statistically, most relationships are ended because of disputes over money issues...
Are The Royal Newly Weds Expanding Their Family?
Are The Royal Newly Weds Expanding Their Family?
Are The Royal Newly Weds Expanding Their Family?
The Royal Newly Weds are no strangers to headlines in the past twelve month. First their wedding, now the rumors of the couple planning on having a baby, to adoption plans? Are the newly weds adopting in the near future?
I Do Dog Tricks
I Do Dog Tricks
I Do Dog Tricks
There have been more than a few dogs in my life. All of them have had some obedience training and some of the have had a lot! Still, none of them have responded to my commands like this dog does.
Trainer Saves Dog With CPR [VIDEO]
Trainer Saves Dog With CPR [VIDEO]
Trainer Saves Dog With CPR [VIDEO]
This video is taking the net by storm this weekend as well as becoming an instructional video on how to do CPR on a dog. During the session, the dog suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing.