In fairness, I should start by saying that I have always hated Jersey Shore.  This is a bunch of young people that are ALL very stupid, yet they all think that they are flawless.  Have you ever noticed that all the guys kind of look the same -- AND SO DO THE WOMEN!  What's up with that?  Kinda creepy.  They all sound the same when they talk, too.  Even creepier, but I digress.

The star of Jersey Shore is Snooki, and is now reporting that Snooki and roommate J-WOWW are beginning the filming of their own TV show.  The two ladies, though, neither of whom you would want on your team if playing "Trivial Pursuit" - are having some problems.  Especially Snooki.

There are reports that the ladies are having trouble paying their bills, literally.  Apparently, Snooki DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO WRITE A CHECK!  I'm not making this up.  She can't figure it out.  All the numbers, where to sign your name, how to spell your name, where to put the date, etc.  It was all just way too taxing.  She reportedly began sobbing when she was informed that others couldn't write checks 'for' her, because she had to sign them.  I have never laughed at a woman's tears before, but I'm sorry, that's hilarious!

On another night when J-WOWW was gone, Snooki was going to attempt to make herself dinner.  She had all the things she needed for the meal; pasta, spaghetti sauce, salad, and bread.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Well, guess who just couldn't quite figure out how to put it all together?  Snooki gave up on the pasta, because it was taking too long, and instead began dipping pieces of white bread in cold spaghetti sauce.  The salad was deemed way too much work, so instead, that turned into a bowl of cherry tomatoes swimming in ranch dressing.  Classy.  What to drink for our gal, you ask?  Beer AND a vodka lemonade.  Classy.

Apparently, Snooki is a slob, too.  Jersey Shore roommates have verified this, but Snooki apparently does no laundry.  Nor does she ever make her bed, or do any of her dishes.

So, to recap; she is infinitely dumb, and she's a drunken slob.  Oh yeah, one more thing - she made @ $14 million last year.  How does that happen?  Only Snooki knows....and she's not telling....because she probably doesn't remember.

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