See Inside the Planters Nutmobile [PHOTOS]
It isn't every day a 26-foot-long peanut rolls into your company's parking lot. That is what happened to us here at the radio station on Monday morning. I was grabbing a cup of coffee and one of my coworkers asked if I knew anything about the Nutmobile being in our front lot, I said no but immediately sprinted out to grab some photos of it.
It definitely draws a crowd wherever it is parked. A firetruck was fueling up across the street at First Fuel Banks and one of the firemen came over to excitedly snap a few photos of it.
The nut is being driven across the country by three Kraft-Heinz interns (this one had Peanutters named Danny, Shannon, and Grace) for the next year. They just set out on this cross-country adventure and will be making stops in every nook and cranny of the USA from big cities to small towns. For example, they did an event at Hemker Park and Zoo in Freeport, but soon enough they will be gracing the Chicago area with their giant peanut.
The Nutmobile will be making multiple appearances around the St. Cloud area this week, and if you see it the Peanutters encourage you to stop by, wave, or honk. They love the interaction from fans.