It's like the Oscar Meyer Wiener-mobile only with a bigger cult following. Popular adult cartoon Rick and Morty was just renewed for a 70-episode fourth season after months of speculation. The creators were unsure of the shows return after season three but Adult Swim picked it up and to celebrate the Rickmobile is going on a "Don't Even Trip Road Trip 2018". The cartoon/monster truck/mobile pop up shop combo will be making stops in over 50 cities nation wide starting this May and going through late October. Which matches up with fan speculation that the new season will be airing just before Christmas. If you are wanting to see it in Minnesota, it will be here on August 10th in Minneapolis. No details have been announced yet, just dates. Information is coming soon and we will update this post as we find out more. Until then, stay schwifty.


Wondering what to expect when it rolls into town? Here is what happened when it was in Orlando!


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