More Bears? Becker Police Remind Residents To Report Any Bear Sightings
Another day and another bear story/reminder here in Central Minnesota. Becker Police recently posted to their social media page, reminding residents of the city to report any bear sightings to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
A post published by the Becker Police Department advises residents that there have been some reports of bears being seen around the city and that residents should use the bear sighting report tool from the Minnesota DNR to assist in tracking where bears are moving within Minnesota, that is also outside their traditional range.
We continue to receive reports of bear sightings in neighborhoods surrounding City Park and the Oak Savanna. The Minnesota DNR is tracking the expansion of the black bear range and is requesting that you report any bear sightings on the website linked to this post.

The post by Becker Police was then linked to the bear reporting website from the Minnesota DNR.
The City of Becker is just the latest Central Minnesota city to warn residents of bear activity as Royalton issued a warning to residents Tuesday over a bear being seen within city limits, as well as reports of bears being seen in the St. Cloud area, and down into the Northern suburbs of the Twin Cities.
Conflicts can arise when bears interact with domestic pets, tip over garbage cans, or damage bird feeders, personal property, beehives, livestock, and agricultural crops. The best way to avoid problems with bears is to not attract them in the first place. Once a bear finds a food source, it will return repeatedly.
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