Dress in Your Best Costume and Trunk-or-Treat Friday in St. Joseph!
Times have definitely changed from when I was a kid in the country out trick-or-treating on Halloween night in Minnesota. There was only one time I actually went into our very small town with a population of 164, to trick-or-treat with my friends. Every other year my mom and dad would drive us 4 kids (my three brothers and I) around the country side to visit five neighbors (all over a mile apart), 2 uncles and our grandma on my dad's side(all over 10-15 miles).

Needless to say, a majority of our Halloween was spent in a vehicle and taking off and putting on our coats to show off our costumes. Don't get me wrong we always got loads of candy, because we were usually the only kids out trick-or-treating in the country so we'd get handfuls of candy at each stop and usually they called ahead to find out what our favorite kind was and they had it readily available. Looking at it now, it was actually really cool.
What we didn't have back then though was the amount of events for trick-or-treating or trunk-or-treating as they do now. If I was a kid in today's world, I'd have it all laid out for my parents, a strategic plan on where we would be going and most importantly what costume I'd be wearing.
Candy is great and all, but to me Halloween has always been and always will be about the costumes. I'd be BEGGING to have multiple costumes over getting a bunch of candy. Because trunk-or-treat, trick-or-treat, whichever you prefer (maybe both, no judgement here) is just one big parade to show off what cool costume you have for this particular year. At least for me.

Now that I'm an adult, I am definitely excited to be on the giving end of candy, but you better believe I'll still be sporting a costume as I hand out candy with a few of my co-workers come this Friday, October 28 and I hope you do the same.
Come join a few of the Townsquare Media stations and MANY others who are participating in the first ever Trunk-or-Treat being hosted by the St. Joseph Jaycees!
The event itself will be at Sentry Bank St. Joseph from 6pm to 7:30pm, located at 400 4th Ave. NE St. Joseph, MN. Beyond that dress in your best costume, bring a Halloween candy bucket to be filled up, and come enjoy fun and treats! Now the only thing left to decide for Friday is if one should say Trick-or-Treat or TRUNK-or-Treat...hmmmmmm
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
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