Valentine’s Day

the cheap romantic
the cheap romantic
the cheap romantic
There are ways to be romantic and not spend a ton of money. Todd Harding has done everything on this list over the years. Some of the ideas do take a little bit of work. These are Todd's 5 favorite money-saving Valentine's Day Ideas.
Text Messages to Never Send
Text Messages to Never Send
Text Messages to Never Send
Love texting? Me too! When I hear my text alert sound, my heart skips a beat because 9 times out of 10, it’s Glen. He’s usually telling me that he’s on his way home and asking me if I need groceries or anything else so he can stop and get it for me. He’s so sweet. I love hearing from him, but sometimes guys want to let us know they’re thinking of us and they miss the mark.
How To Know If He Is Falling For You
How To Know If He Is Falling For You
How To Know If He Is Falling For You
Isn't this the image that we all "THINK" we want?  Oh yes....He's going to show up outside your door, soaking wet, with a dozen roses, saying how he can't live without you...You're his everything....You're beautiful....wonderful...perfect just the way you are...
What to Eat for Fresh Kissing Breath
What to Eat for Fresh Kissing Breath
What to Eat for Fresh Kissing Breath
It's Valentine's Day today and it's a day to express your love and one way we express how we love each other is by kissing, but sometimes bad breath can really be a buzz kill. If you're planning on puckering up, eat this first.
Deceased Husband Wins Valentine’s Day With Romantic Gesture From Beyond the Grave
Deceased Husband Wins Valentine’s Day With Romantic Gesture From Beyond the Grave
Deceased Husband Wins Valentine’s Day With Romantic Gesture From Beyond the Grave
For 46 years, Sue Johnston had a pretty good idea what she'd be getting on Valentine's Day. Each February 14 her husband John would give her a bouquet of flowers with a note that read "My love for you grows." Sadly, John passed away two years ago in April. 10 months later, Johnston received Valentine's Day flowers from somebody named John. At first she thought it was a cruel joke. Read M
Valentine’s Day for the Tech Savvy
Valentine’s Day for the Tech Savvy
Valentine’s Day for the Tech Savvy
Technology is invading our lives in every way, so why not our love lives? If you're a tech savvy lover, try out these ideas to show your significant other your love for them via the 21st century.

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