Can We Please Get Past Women Wearing Yoga Pants?
In a clear "sign-of-the-times" in reverse, a high school in Devil's Lake, North Dakota started enforcing a stricter dress codes that cracks down on girls wearing yoga pants, jeggings, leggings and skinny jeans.
Major FAIL.
Devil's Lake High School began a crackdown on all three types of clothing because, according to school officials, they could cause boys to 'focus on something other than schoolwork.'
What's even more offensive and clearly shameful and sexist to women:
The school's assistant principal told Fox affiliate WGHP that in order to explain the dress code stipulation, Devil's Lake had female students watch two clips from the film 'Pretty Woman' and compared their attire to Julia Roberts.
We cannot continue to allow this thought process to be spread to our youth. It is not okay to make a victim feel as if they are responsible for the action committed against them. It is also not okay to make boys feel as if they lack the ability to control their own actions.
This entire movement is an injustice to both sexes and a clear move in the wrong direction for our society as a whole.
Read the full article HERE and let me know what you think. It's a conversation that needs to be had for the sake of young girls everywhere.