10 Odd Guinness World Records Set in MN or By Minnesotans
A few weeks ago we shared a list of 10 Cool Guinness World Records Set in Minnesota or by Minnesotans.
The list included everything from the largest gathering of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the most people spinning basketballs at once, the most home runs hit by a Major League Baseball team in one season to the largest pillow fight! It was a pretty impressive list that left us feeling pretty darn proud to be Minnesotan! Needless to say, there have been a lot more than just 10 Guinness World Records set here in our great state by our great people, and -- for better or worse -- they're not all so cool. Following is a list of 10 of the oddest Guinness World Records set in Minnesota or by Minnesotans!
10 Odd Guinness World Records Set in MN or By Minnesotans
Photos used do not show actual individuals, groups or animals that achieved Guinness World Records. Images used are stock images or come from Getty Images. To see specific winners (if available), click on the links in each photo's caption.
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10 Cool Guinness World Records Set in Minnesota or By Minnesotans