What Are Minnesotan’s Odds of Winning the Powerball?
The Powerball Jackpot is at a whopping $205 million dollars, which is A LOT of money. But even if you buy multiple tickets, your odds of winning are still about 1 in 292 million. Lets compare that to some other crazy things that could happen.
Struck by Lightening: 1 in 960,000
Getting Stuck by Lightening Twice: 1 in 9 million
Being in a plane crash: 1 in 5.37 million
Being Canonized (Becoming a Saint): 1 in 20 million
Becoming President of the United States: 1 in 10 million
Writing a New York Times Best Seller: 1 in 220
Winning Gold at the Olympics: 1 in 662,000
But even with all that statistic knowledge, you can't win the Powerball unless you play! If you are looking for a lucky city to get your ticket in, take a look at the MN Lottery Lucky Map! Good luck!
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