Wait, I Can Do What With My Cocktail? It’s a Social District, Baby!
I lived in Las Vegas for 10 years. It is definitely different than anywhere else I've lived. The tourism industry is obviously a big a part of the city's economy and because of that things are done differently there.
In Las Vegas if you're down on the strip or downtown, you can take your cocktail from one establishment to the next. You can just walk down the street with your cocktail. When I moved away from Las Vegas, I had to keep reminding myself that you can't do that everywhere. Ok, I may have actually been stopped a couple times. Hey, old habits are hard to break. I'm not going to lie, it took a little getting used to.

Well now it looks like a Minnesota city is going to be the first in the state to try something that is very Vegas-like. Starting September 6th the city of Anoka will begin a one month trial of the states first "social district".
There is a clear boundary line of who is included in the social district and it is only within those limits that you'll be able to carry your cocktails around with you. They also sell the cocktails in special plastic Social District cups. And they will be announcing several special events during this month to take advantage of the Social District as well.
Some of the participating businesses will take advantage of the new Social District and to expand their seating capacity by adding outdoor seating.
According to a report from KARE 11, the city laid out the rules event-goers are expected to follow while participating in the program:
- Customers purchasing alcoholic beverages from licensed businesses will be served in a social district recyclable plastic cup.
- The cup may travel with the customer outdoors within the boundaries of sidewalks and walkways, and only on the street when the street is designated as part of a special event by which the street is closed off to all traffic.
- Social district cups may not be used more than once.
Now what I really want to know is when can we get our Social District here in St. Cloud? Well, until then, on September 9th it's Anoka-Vegas Baby!
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