Uh Oh! Internet Thinks Minnesotans are Actually Backstabbing Mean-esotans
Maybe we're not as Minnesota Nice as we think we are...
I stumbled across a Reddit thread with the heading "Guys, they're onto us..." It went on to include a screenshot of "Minnesota Nice" on Wikipedia.
The stereotypical behavior of people from Minnesota to be courteous, reserved, and mild-mannered, is popularly known as Minnesota nice. Though this is true of many Minnesota residents, sports fans from Minnesota have been known to be particularly hostile. The cultural characteristics of "Minnesota nice" include polite friendliness, an aversion to confrontation, a tendency toward understatement, a disinclination to make a fuss or stand out, emotional restraint, and self-deprecation.
That seemed to match my own definition of Minnesota Nice, at least as far as the "polite," "aversion to confrontation," and "hostile" sports fans goes (hey, I'm an Illinois boy -- I can say that!).
Just for fun, I thought I'd see how the equally unreliable -- though usually quite funny --Urban Dictionary described Minnesota Nice. It's definition was a bit less mild-mannered:
Fake, phony pretense of niceness toward someone for the purpose of avoiding confrontation or conflict but then proceeding to use sneaky, dirty, backstabbing tactics to attack the person behind their back.
Fake, phony pretense of niceness toward someone for the purpose of avoiding confrontation or conflict but then proceeding to use sneaky, dirty, backstabbing tactics to attack the person behind their back.
Well, those aren't definitions you see everyday! So what's the deal Minnesota -- are we actually Mean-esota?
Note: This article is purely fake news to rile you up. Laugh it off and carry on with your day.
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