This Photo Just Became the Most Liked Photo on Instagram
I can't stop laughing!
A photo of a brown egg just became the most-liked photo on Instagram.
An egg.
At over 31 million, it has garnered almost twice as many Likes as the previous record of 18.2 million held by Kylie Jenner.
To clarify, this was a campaign to achieve the most-liked photo on Instagram. According to the account world_record_egg's bio:
• Official world record holders of the most liked picture on Instagram.
• Now where’s our blue tick?
The account also has only the one photo of the egg and some 3.7 million followers, which doesn't come close to Kylie Jenner's 123 million.
Jenner responded to the new record with an Instagram video of her cooking an egg on hot concrete.
For more great Instagram content and accounts to follow, check out this list of 5 Minnesota Accounts You Should Follow!