This MN Woman’s Listing for a Nanny is the Most Edina Thing Ever
Hold on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride!
A family in Edina is looking for a nanny for their one-year old baby girl whom they adore but are, apparently, otherwise incapable of taking care of. The listing -- originally posted to Craigslist but has since been removed -- has drawn attention for its specific and demanding -- if not entertaining -- requirements and qualifications.
"As I write this," the first paragraph begins, "the countertop installation team is here fixing a little alignment issue they made with our dishwasher. I wish you had booked them and had gotten the dishes done before they came so my husband and I could have spent more time playing with our baby and going through a business training together."
In the first two sentences we've established: this woman is very particular, has high expectations, is quick to cast blame, is busy (or lazy) and is braggadocious. But don't just take our word for it. The listing goes on to explain -- in very specific terms -- what kind of nanny this woman is looking for.
(Click image above to see screenshots of the listing)
"I run my own company and work from home, and my husband works for me, so we are here literally all the time." The marriage dynamics sound really healthy.
"I am a former San Francisco fashion blogger, first page of Google, and I care a lot about what my house looks like because home is The Most Important to me for a million reasons." That's the long way of saying "superficial," right?
"If you are going to call my daughter a 'princess' or make comments about how to 'act like a lady,' BYE. This is not the job for you. If you are going to criticize her for being bossy, move on to a different post. If you are going to lament her wardrobe for its lack of pink, you should find somewhere else to apply. We have an "All are Welcome Here" sign in our yard." All are welcome, that is, unless you don't fit the idealistic description so far.
"We are not fantastic cooks, but you are! Meal prep is fun for you and you're excited to help take care of us." Ok, fine -- some people actually enjoy cooking and meal prep. Oh, wait -- "Also, I have celiac disease so you can't bring gluten into the house." Great. "If you don't know what gluten is and you're not resourceful enough to google it right now, this is not the job for you." Geez, judge-y much?
"No smoking of any kind. I have asthma so it's not cool to bring that around, plus I'd like to live a full life, so please quit, but still don't apply." In case you already forgot that she's judge-y.
"You're going to have to sign a non-disclosure for this position because I'm a Name in my vertical, and we are going to want to be friends in real life anyway so we will be friends on social media." Something tells me she doesn't have many of those. Friends, I mean.
"I have visions of us driving to Lake Harriet together and power-walking the lake with my baby in her stroller. In the summer, we'll have picnics on the beach." That's the first thing that's actually sounded appealing about this nanny position!
If you're interested in the position, "The hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. Rate is $20/hour." Wait, that's all...?

The listing -- which was posted to Craigslist -- has since been removed, presumably due to backlash. According to Bring Me the News, the posting generated quite a bit of chatter after it started circulating on social media.
All we can say is, we'll be amazed if this woman finds the candidate she's looking for!
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