The Old Farmer’s Almanac Calling For Warmer, Drier MN Spring
I don't know about you but I'm about over the whole 'winter' thing at this point. We haven't even had a particularly cold or snowy winter either...it's been pretty mild. However, I'm ready to hit the lakes again and and feel the sun on my skin.

Great news if you're having some winter blues, the Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting a warmer and drier spring than normal. YES! YES! YES!
Once we're past the early parts of March, it's supposed to be smooth sailing for us. April and May will be, "warmer and drier than normal, with an early hot spell in early to mid-April."
Guys, I'll take this news! We need this news right now. And, to make things even better, the the Old Farmer's Almanac is calling for a pretty hot summer, too. Mid-June through early to mid-July and early to mid-August will see some pretty hot days if their predictions are true.
The National Weather Service has a few long-range weather forecasts of their own. They're predicting an equal chance of above normal temperatures as well as below normal temperatures for the spring. This didn't really help you much? Yeah, us either. So, we'll choose to follow The Old Farmer's Almanac.
This is all great news and all, but what can you do to cure your winter blues today? Well, flights are super cheap to southern destinations right now. You can fly to five states right now for under $40 one way per person. Maybe a quick Disney vacation is in your future?
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