5 Crazy Cheap Flights From Minneapolis You Have To Check Out
Airline tickets with Sun Country are jaw-droppingly low. You can fly to five different destinations one way for under $40 right now. With ticket prices that low, you can't afford not to travel and take a little vacation. Even though many places are shut down or operating a little differently these days, it's still worth the money. You could literally take a socially distance walk on the beach today for under $40. Check out the cheapest flight destinations traveling nonstop from Minneapolis/ St. Paul Airport below.

1. Airline tickets to Denver, Colorado are $29 per traveler, one way. That's cheaper than a tank of gas for some people.
2. It's only $29 to get yourself to Las Vegas, Nevada right now if you book your ticket between January 21 and March 4.
3. If you've always wanted to go to Los Angeles, California, right now is the time to go. Tickets are $39 per person one way.
4. That Florida vacation you've always wanted to take with your family is well within reach right now. Tickets to Orlando are $39 per person one way.
5. Phoenix, Arizona isn't just for old snow birds this year. You can get a one way ticket for $39. You can't afford not to go...right?!
See, we told you prices were cheap. If you're willing to up your budget to $50 per ticket one way, you'd be able to get to Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Tampa and Tucson. While it might not be your dream getaway vacation, it's still an escape from the cold for awhile.
Where would you love to travel to right now? Share with us in the comments below.
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