Taylor Swift Makes New Album Announcement
Last week Taylor Swift blacked out all of her social media accounts and we all knew something was "up" with her. Then came the cryptic snake videos, and now finally an album announcement!
Reputation is the name of Swift's upcoming 6th studio album and it will be out on November 10th!
Taylor switched over to exclusively being a pop artist with the album 1989 in 2014 and over the past three years she has consistently been making headlines. Her relationships have been in the spotlight, the court battle against the Dever radio DJ, and of course her feuds with Katy Perry, Kayne West, and Kim Kardashian have kept her picture on the covers of tabloids and even had her temporarily labeled as a "snake". My prediction for the album: the rebuttal to those snake allegations and probably a song that takes a stab at Katy.
Rumor has it that we get the first single off the new album tomorrow! Stay tuned!