lake wobegon trail

St. Cloud APO Seeks Input For New Multi-Use Trail
St. Cloud APO Seeks Input For New Multi-Use Trail
St. Cloud APO Seeks Input For New Multi-Use Trail
WAITE PARK (WJON News) -- The St. Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) is looking for input from cyclists and walkers for a new multi-use trail. The City of Waite Park will be building a new bike/walking trail near Rivers Edge Park as an extension for the Lake Wobegon Trail and APO is asking residents for their input because it is for a federally funded Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Lake Wobegon Trail Extension
Lake Wobegon Trail Extension
Lake Wobegon Trail Extension
The Stearns County board of commissioners has approved approximately $200,000 to help cover the cost of extending the Lake Wobegon Trail from St. Joseph into Waite Park.
Signs Honoring Jacob Placed
Signs Honoring Jacob Placed
Signs Honoring Jacob Placed
If you have traveled along the Lake Wobegon Trail recently you may have noticed some new signs honoring Jacob Wetterling. The signs follow the #11forJacob moment encouraging people to practice the traits Jacob valued.

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