Sweet! CDC Says “Absolutely” Safe to Trick-Or-Treat This Year
According to the CDC, it's safe this year to take the kids Trick-or-Treating with a couple caveats.
The CDC just revealed its stance on trick-or-treating this year, and the overall recommendation is that it's safe to take the kids with a couple caveats. Speaking with Face the Nation Sunday, Center or Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, "If you're able to be outdoors, absolutely! Limit crowds, I wouldn't necessarily go to a crowded Halloween party. But I think that we should be able to let our kids go Trick-or-Treating in small groups..."
This news is a welcome improvement from the same time last year when the CDC issued a list of guidelines for holiday activities including a list of lower-, moderate- and higher-risk activities. "Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses," the CDC said at that time, instead recommending safer alternative ways to participate such as outdoor activities, small-group activities and virtual activities. High-risk Halloween activities last year included traditional Trick-or-Treating, trunk or treat events, indoor costume parties, indoor haunted houses and hayride or tractor rides.

As always, we'll provide a list of Central Minnesota Harvest/Fall activities and events at our website. Some are listed there now. Find them and more to come here.
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