Stearns County Accepting Applications for Explorer’s Program
Stearns County's Explorer's program is accepting applications now from youth ages 15-21 who are interested in a law enforcement career.

The Explorer’s Program which has been in existence since 1976 and has been a very successful program which has provided training and guided youth towards a career field in the public safety.. Explorers learn procedures from everyday law enforcement scenarios, report writing, defensive tactics, and arrest protocol. Explorers are also taught CPR and Basic First Aid. Program advisor Eric Schultz says many people who have participated in the program went on to have a career in law enforcement including himself and Stearns County Sheriff Steve Soyka.
Members volunteer at community events by providing security, first aid and traffic control. Explorers are allowed to participate in ride-alongs with officers and sit-alongs with dispatchers. The group meets on a weekly basis during the school year and periodically throughout the summer months.
Interested youth should email Advisor Eric Schultz Eric.schultz@co.stearns.mn.us. If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Eric Schultz it is available below.