St. Cloud School Resource Officers Post Hilarious ‘Back To School’ Pics
It's officially 'check out this picture of my kid standing on the front step with a sign declaring it the first day of school' season on social media. Everywhere you look some kid is standing there for a forced smile as they kiss summer goodbye and head into another school year.
As it turns out, kids aren't the only ones getting in on the act. District 742's Twitter account recently posted pictures of their school resource officers' "back-to-school" pictures and they are hilariously adorable.
Officer Gangle is entering her fifth year at North, Madison and Lincoln. She says she wants to be "retired" when she grows up (#relatable).
Officer Sherry is beginning his third year as a SRO at Apollo High School. Despite already being a police officer, he is not giving up on his dream of someday becoming a firefighter.
Officer Larson appears excited to head to his third year working at South/Talahi/Roosevelt schools! Just look at that big brave smile!
Finally, check out Tech and Oak Hill SRO Johnson! She can't wait to see all of her friends she spent the summer missing!