Six Things On Sale This Month
PureWow.com posted a story for people looking to score huge savings and amazing deals in April. Here are some of the items they suggest you check out before the end of the month.
1. Sneakers. A lot of people buy them for spring, so stores and websites get very competitive with pricing.
2. Jackets. They want to move them to make room for summer clothes.
3. Paint and other home improvement supplies. Home Depot and Lowes both have "Spring Black Friday" sales currently.
4. Pots, pans, and other household items. With Mother's Day and Wedding season around the corner, they start marking this items down significantly.
5. A tune-up for your car. It's National Car Care Month.
6. Last-minute vacations. April is considered an off-season month, because it's right after winter, but before summer.
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