Should Minnesota Boast Having One Of The ‘New’ World Wonders With This Rut?
Move over Lake Chipotle, Minnesota has a new world wonder, at least according to one person on Twitter. I will agree though that if I was faced with driving or walking near this HUGE rut I'd have second thoughts! Check this thing out!
Twitter user @_taylor_ snapped the photo of the HUGE rut behind the Turf Club in St. Paul last week before we had all this rain.
With all the rain we've had recently I'm sure the rut has shrunk down a little bit, or else it looks like a Minnesota version of the Grand Canyon. Ruts in general are SO tough to drive through, it's like when you go to the car wash and you plop your car into Neutral and it pulls you! You end up being tossed around until you get spit out at the end of the alley, or find a low spot.
I feel for those people that have to drive through those alleys for work!
As for Lake Chipotle, hopefully, it is still frozen over, but if it isn't and it completely dried out, we might be seeing it again after all the rain we have received over the last day or two.
In the last update we had back in October it appeared Lake Chipotle's water level was down substantially, but not completely dry.
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