Sartell Plans Drive-In Style Graduation for Seniors
SARTELL -- Graduation will look a little different this year for the seniors in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District.
During Monday's Sartell-St. Stephen School Board Meeting, the board approved a drive-in movie type ceremony in the high school parking lot.
The program will include three video screens that will broadcast student speeches, presentations, and even a surprise ending.
Seniors and family members must stay in their vehicles during the ceremony, but may have their windows rolled down.
The ceremony will be broadcast on WJON and via livestream on the district's Youtube channel starting at 9:00 p.m. on May 30th.
In addition, a separate Senior Salute Drive-by is also being planned by a group of parents and community volunteers the day before.
Family, friends, teachers, staff and coaches will drive down Pinecone Road from 15th Street North to 27th Street North to honk, cheer, wave and celebrate the seniors who will be line up along the road.
To keep social distancing guidelines the road will be closed off starting at 6:00 p.m. and students will be spaced out roughly 20 feet apart along the walking path, with all participants remaining in their vehicles. Parade participants will be limited to those directly associated with the students and families of seniors are limited to two vehicles.
The event is funded by Liberty Bank who donated $8,000 to cover the cost of the event.
The Senior Salute Parade takes place on May 29th at 7:00 p.m.