It's time to start thinking about what type of tree to put up this year. There are tons of choices too! You could put up a real tree, you could buy a fake tree, you could buy a fake pre-lite tree, you could buy a fake tree with fake snow on it, you could buy a white tree, or you could even buy a pink tree. There are so many choices.

I am a personal fan of the fake tree--and for many reasons.

1. No pine needles. If you've ever had a fake tree, you know what a pain in the butt these are. My mom did the whole fake tree thing when I was a kid once and we hated it. Stepping on them is the worst. Don't even get me started about how many times a week we had to vacuum.

2. No sap. Fake trees don't ruin your carpet. Katie from 98's midday show was telling me that she had a fake tree once and sap got all over the carpet. This doesn't happen with fake trees.

3. You don't have to water it. I forget to water my plants all of the time. How in the world do you expect me to keep a huge tree alive for a month?

4. It lasts longer. Fake trees are just that! You get to keep them once Christmas is over. My mom has had the same Christmas tree for more than 10 years.

5. You save money in the long run. Think about it--I bought my tree last year for about $100 bucks. It's a one time cost compared to an annual cost.

6. No spiders. A co-worker of mine told me she refuses to buy real trees because of the spider problem that goes along with it. She explained that spiders live in trees and go into hibernation in the winter. When you bring the tree inside of your nice warm house, spiders come out of hibernation.

7. Family tradition. I like having a fake tree because it's the same tree in all of our pictures every year. It holds a sentimental value for my family.

8. You don't have to figure out how to get rid of it. At the end of the year you just put it back in the box and wait for next year. You don't have to deal with throwing it away.

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