Now Playing: Dan & Shay’s “Speechless”
There's new music playing now on Mix 94.9!
If you like a little country music with your pop, you're in luck! Country duo Dan & Shay's song "Speechless" is now playing on Mix 94.9.
Released May May 18, 2018, it peaked at No. 24 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart.
The song, Dan Smyers and Shay Mooney told People, was inspired by their respective wedding days.
“I had this title ‘Speechless’ in my phone, Dan said. "You’re at the altar waiting for your bride to walk down the aisle, then that moment happens and you have nothing to say. I remember being up there on our wedding day – May 13, just a little over a year ago – and she walked up and I was at a loss for words.”
Dan and his wife Abby were married May 13, 2017 in Tennessee; Shay and his bride Hannah married a few months later in October in Arkansas.
The music video features scenes from both weddings days.
Listen for "Speechless" by Dan & Shay playing now on Mix 94.9!
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