Never Too Early To Think “Soup & Chili”!
It has been an extremely warm winter for central Minnesota, but it's been cold enough, that 'soup & chili' still sounds really, really, good! I love chili! I always have, and I consider myself a bit of an expert, due to growing up in a family of mostly women that ALL made some good chili.
Forgive my stroll down memory lane there, for a moment.
The 6th Annual Soup & Chili Bowl is approaching; the one night of the year that - if you happen to be a chili FANATIC, or you just want to have a few beverages and taste the best soups that central Minnesota has to offer - you can absolutely go nuts!
Make sure to clear the evening of Saturday, January 28th, on your calendar. The Soup & Chili Bowl is happening once again at the Cold Spring Distribution Center in Cold Spring, on County Road 2.
Not very far to go for a night full of; great food, fantastic beverages, and live music - and it WON'T cost you an arm and a leg! That sounds like the perfect date, actually. Or the perfect family outing for a Saturday night.
The event is from 5-11pm - and parking and admission are absolutely free! The soup and chili for you to sample only costs $1 each. There will be over 40 vendors - all with soup or chili - for you to choose from. If you happen to get "chili'd" out, there will be plenty of food vendors on hand, with lots of other food to eat.
Something exciting, and new (not to sound like The Love Boat) this year - is the $1 Raffle - taking place for a flat screen TV!
Live music plays all night long, starting with the Marv Nissel Band, playing from 5-7:30pm. Then, Whiskey Plates will play from 8-11pm.
There will be a lot of us in Cold Spring, having another fantastic night at the "Soup & Chili Bowl" on January 28th. Make sure you're there with your; family, date, co-workers, neighbors, etc. - you can't go wrong. Have a great time, without going broke in the process. It's a win-win situation.
Incredible food and beverages. Another win-win situation.
That would make the 6th Annual Soup & Chili Bowl a - win, win, win, win, situation.
Like I said - you can't go wrong!