Those are two words that I haven't heard together- luxury and grain bin.  But that is exactly how this AirBNB has been described.

Since this is in Alexandria, it would be a great getaway that's not too far away from St. Cloud and Central Minnesota.  There are 8 bins in total in this grouping. Each one is set up for 1 to 2 people, but you could have a group stay if you just rented out all 8 of them at once.

The description on the Airbnb website says this about these "luxury grain bins":

 Each Bin is unique. This is Grain Bin #1. There are 8 total. Bin # 1 is on the lower level. It has a full private bath and fresh industrial styling. Each room features a great view of a beautiful environmental lake, Little Charlie and lots of privacy.

They also mention that each room is private and cozy, coffee and tea are provided in each room.  If your need is to stay a bit longer, that is available as well.

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Looks like there is just a mini fridge and a coffee maker.  Not like a full kitchen, so if you'd like to make meals there, that might not be an option.  But on the upside, there are some restaurants nearby along with "lots to do in the area" as one reviewer mentioned.  

The price is also fairly economical.  Just $126 per night for your stay.  If you would like to see more of the pictures of the grain bins, there are several on the website.  The deck area looks very nice with a dock leading out to the lake for the summer.  But in the winter this area looks like it would also be very serene.

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