Minnesota Snow Hill Fun was Short Lived. Who Ruined It?
That didn't take long at all. It was only yesterday I was writing about the fun one could have playing an adult game of "king of the hill", by placing objects on top of snow hills. With one object being better than than the next. Then the very next day, I learn the object that inspire this game is already GONE!

This snow hill, being officially dubbed Mount Eden Prairie, even by local officials:
Had just the other day something on top of it, that many were stopping by to take pictures with. It had an unmistakable, RED Target Cart on top of the snow hill. No one really seems to know how or why it got on top of the hill, nor who put it there. Many, as you can see if you read more of the comments on the Eden Prairie Police Department's post, are humorously "concerned" about it's well being.
The now iconic red cart, was growing in popularity on reddit by the second I feel.
It had drawn, quite literally, creative inspiration from many. Like this piece of art:
Or this one, that is offering to make up stickers of their art:
But low and behold...someone has already ruined the fun. As someone reported via reddit, the cart is gone, gone, gone away.

Pretty sure I'm not alone on wondering who ruined the fun! So if there was anyone out there having hopes to catch a photo for social media by it, unfortunately you have already missed your chance. Granted someone could put one up there again, as we can only hope, or better yet take my suggestion and put a different object up top of the hill and begin the real game of "king of the hill". Suggestions on what would beat a Target Cart, can be shared by hitting me up in our app!

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