Minnesota Schools Are Back in Session. Here Are Tips on How to Keep Your Kids Healthy!
School is back in session. Kids are all crowded into one building, breathing the same air, using the same water fountains, touching the same desks. It is no wonder I have seen so many of my Facebook friends post about having a fall cold. Here are a few tips on how to keep your family healthy during the changing of the season!
- Get a checkup - Even if your kid isn't sick right now, it is good to get an annual check up with their doctor. Make sure they have all the proper vaccinations, including that flu shot! It is also a good idea to make sure the school has the child's medication on hand in case they need it!
- Make them a healthy lunch - I know that no one wants to add another chore to their to-do list every night, but packing your child a lunch full of healthy foods can make a difference. And be sure to pack them a drink, staying hydrated can help keep them healthy!
- Adjust their sleep schedule - It is starting to get dark earlier and earlier and adjusting to a new sleep schedule can be hard. Try setting the child's bed time for 15 minutes earlier each night, until you find a time that works with their school schedule.
- Go over proper hand washing techniques - Kids touch a lot of stuff during a day. Making sure that their hands are clean is a key part of keeping them healthy and in school, not home sick!
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