As of October 30th, the National Weather Service has declared the winter is here. Below average temperature for the season are here to stay. Yay.

The good folks at Thrillest have taken the time out of their day to rank the states with the worst winters across America.

After an intense period of research and debate with friends and colleagues, factoring in everything from weather patterns and average temperatures to the efficacy with which state governments keep roads clear to the historical success rates of their winter-season sports teams, these are the results. This is one of those things where you probably actually want to finish last.

Minnesota did the exact opposite of finishing last on this list. We came in #1 overall for worst winters in America.
The top 10 were:

  1. Minnesota
  2. Michigan
  3. Alaska
  4. North Dakota
  5. Maine
  6. South Dakota
  7. Wisconsin
  8. Idaho
  9. Montana
  10. Massachusetts

Yeah. We beat out Alaska where it's basically permanently winter. Also, I don't want to hear any complaining from our eastern neighbors this year. Wisconsin barely cracked the top 10.

We think beneath that eternal Nordic happiness is some inner pain, trapped below the surface like a Grain Belt dropped into an ice fishing hole, a cauldron of hot anger ready to spill out like a cut-open Jucy Lucy.

Some of the reasons Thrillist deemed us the worst of the worst:

  • Our sports teams never win championships
  • Parts of northern Minnesota see up to 170 inches of snow in a winter
  • It can get down to -60 degrees
  • All of your good high school hockey players end up starring for NHL teams in other cities

They aren't wrong about any of it, and I think we can all agree on that. Here's to another miserable Minnesota winter. Maybe this year the Vikings will surprise us and make it better.

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