Acne Products Sold In Minnesota + Wisconsin Linked To CancerAcne Products Sold In Minnesota + Wisconsin Linked To CancerCheck your shelves.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Over 160 Stop Arm Violations in Minnesota Already This School YearOver 160 Stop Arm Violations in Minnesota Already This School YearIn just the first 15 days of kids being back in the classroom, there has been over 160 school bus stop arm violations. AbbeyAbbey
Fox9 Weather Report Gets Trippy Tuesday with Graphics GlitchFox9 Weather Report Gets Trippy Tuesday with Graphics GlitchNo, that wasn't the pot brownies kicking in during last night's weather report from Fox9 (though we can only imagine what things would have looked like if you were tripping) -- it was a graphics glitch.AdamAdam
Minnesota Ranked #1 For Worst Winters in the United StatesMinnesota Ranked #1 For Worst Winters in the United StatesAs of October 30th, the National Weather Service has declared the winter is here. Below average temperature for the season are here to stay. Yay.AbbeyAbbey
Did Daylight Savings Time Actually Cause More Car Crashes in MN?Did Daylight Savings Time Actually Cause More Car Crashes in MN? Over the weekend, 17 different crashes happened in our state, two of which were fatal. AbbeyAbbey