I am such a hoarder when it comes to clothing. I have clothes in my closet from middle school. There's no way that I'll ever be able to fit into some of it again because I'm a foot taller and definitely never going to be a size zero again.

When it comes to holding onto clothing and having letting go issues, I'm not alone. A new survey found that 44 percent of women have something in their closet that they are fully aware they'll never wear again. More than 40 percent of women keep clothing that is too small because they're hoping to lose weight and fit into those clothes again. I'm definitely guilty of this.

I have a closet full of clothes but complain that I never have anything to wear. Clothes hoarding is definitely the problem!

A good rule of thumb is that if you haven't worn the outfit in a year or more, chances are you can probably donate it to someone who will wear it. Bring your gently used clothing to Goodwill or have a garage sale. Get money for the clothes you aren't wearing and let that supply the money for a new wardrobe. I love shopping sprees!

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