How Far In Advance Can You Book Airline Tickets?
I started thinking about our dream Disney trip which is what I want to give to my boys for their graduation gift. Just how far in advance can you get plane tickets?
I was shocked to find out that you can't get airline tickets, even a FULL year in advance. I went online to attempt to book them, and the latest I could book was through February of 2018, as a return date. The ticket prices were great though; around $320 a person for a NONSTOP flight from Minneapolis to Orlando.
I decided to call my friends at Bursch Travel to learn a little bit more about travel tips. Bursch said that you CAN sometimes book your resorts ahead of time, but if you are looking for combination flights and rooms, you are better off to wait.
I asked about booking a trip to Jamaica, for example. What would be their suggestion? She said if you are thinking about a booking around this time next year, a good time to book your vacation would be in the summer months, and to book from a Tuesday through a Tuesday. Avoid dates that have holidays, because that can boost your prices as well.
Chad had a great idea, of setting up a special travel account, and putting a little bit back all year, so that it doesn't hurt the pocket book when it call comes down.
I always think booking a family vacation with someone who understands your time frame and can help you make the most out of your trip, will be well worth it. The travel cost is virtually the same, because travel agents work WITH resorts to fight for your business, and they can often find you INCREDIBLE deals with planned vacations that run smoothly for less than what it would cost for you to try and plan it all out yourself.