Free Coffee Day at St. Cloud’s Kinder Coffee Lab May 20
According to a recent article by Huffpost, coffee is listed as a "surprising food" that will drain your energy.
More accurately, caffeine is listed as an energy drain-er, including drinks like coffee and energy drinks. When consumed in large amounts, Huffpost says, highly-caffeinated drinks can "lead to a caffeine crash five hours after consumption, especially when the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep is not achieved." Instead, black beans, bananas, eggs, water and pistachios are all encouraged for a healthier energy boost.
Well, we're not here to tell you how to live your life, only that St. Cloud's Kinder Coffee Lab is hosting another free coffee event Thursday, May 20th. "We had so much fun seeing you at our last Free Coffee Day, we wanted to have another one!" they share on Facebook. "Cold Brew and Hot Coffee - totally free." They'll also have bags of beans, t-shirts, & sweatshirts available to purchase.
"Stop by May 20th, 8am to 4pm, at 203 Cooper Ave N, around the back of the building. Drive through and we’ll bring coffee to your car, or stay and hang out a while!"
Kinder Coffee Lab recently announced that -- in addition to the subscription plans -- their beans can now be purchased at Cash Wise in Waite Park and Coborns on Cooper Avenue.
Founded in late 2020 by three friends, Kinder Coffee Lab has been producing fresh, kind, judgement-free coffee for coffee enthusiasts around Minnesota and beyond. Earlier this year, they made our list of 9 Central Minnesota Coffee Roaster to Support Your Caffeine Fix.
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