Famous Former Minnesota Radio DJ is Now a Yoga Instructor in CO
Mark Wheat's retirement in June 2021 came as a surprise to everyone. His latest gig is no less shocking.
Listeners of St. Paul-based listener-supported radio station The Current were shocked when -- at the beginning of June 2021 -- long-time radio personality Mark Wheat announced his departure from the station.
"Sorry about the abrupt departure from the airwaves," he wrote in a statement at TheCurrent.org, "my last night was Friday, May 29, when I left to go on vacation." He cited his leaving as a decision to "take the plunge and follow [his] dreams." The native of Cambridge, England thanked fans and listeners for making his 15 years at The Current memorable, writing "Please know that you have given me a life in Minnesota that I couldn't possibly have dreamed of when moving here in 1992! Wherever my next dream takes me, this will always be my American home state." Many were stunned by Wheat's sudden leave, and wondered at the "dreams" he left to pursue. Until recently.

A Youtube video released in late October sheds some light on where the beloved radio DJ ended up -- and it's equally shocking. Titled "Jeff Introduces Mark Wheat," the video was posted to Youtube by Yoga Loft - Boulder, an in-person and online yoga studio based out of Boulder, Colorado.
"I'd like to introduce you to [Mark]," says co-owner and founder of Avita Yoga Jeff Bailey. "He's our new Avita Yoga teacher...He came for the teacher training, and he stayed a while." Wheat -- wearing a simple black t-shirt -- goes on to share how he ended up in Boulder with Avita Yoga.
"When I came out of college I wanted to be a teacher. I actually took a two-year class to be a middle school teacher. It's always been in my bones -- I always had an appreciation for passing on wisdom to others." He refers to his departure from The Current as a "chance to retire." He then moved to Boulder, he says, to begin the teacher training with Bailey and hike. After observing online yoga classes through the midst of COVID, Wheat says he's now excited to join Avita Yoga as a new coach and begin leading in-person classes himself. "This is kind of like a dream come true."
While a transition into yoga may not have been the next big career choice we envisioned for Mark Wheat, we can't deny that his soothing, deep English voice will be perfect for the job.
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