Reuse, recycle, re...claim? Whatever your excuse to go face down a$$ up into a giant metal container of misfit stuffs, you should always make sure that Johnny Law is cool with it.

Wouldn't want Johnny to throw you in jail while he gets the good stuff out of the Dumpster of Misfit Stuffs.

Is Dumpster Diving Legal in Minnesota?

Does that mean there isnt much poop? Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash)
Does that mean there isn't much poop? (Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash)

YES, it is legal to dumpster dive in Minnesota. But - as always - there's a catch: you can't trespass private property to get to the dumpster.

In most (but not all) Minnesota cities, you can dumpster dive to your dirty heart's content if the Soiled Treasure Chest is on public property (like a curb).

Dumpster Diving Legalese

This is fine Photo by Shannon Kunkle on Unsplash)
This is fine (Photo by Shannon Kunkle on Unsplash)

Our right to raid refuse was given to us by the Supreme Court in the California v. Greenwood case. Again, there are specific circumstances that make it legal. Read up, and happy diving!

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H/T: Bizarre Hobby

These Weapons Are 100% Illegal Everywhere... Except In Utah

You can own pretty much anything to defend yourself in Utah... well, almost anything.

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10 Rockers Who Legally Adopted Their Stage Names

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