Catholic Community Schools Implementing Proactive Classroom Approach
Catholic Community Schools is bringing a different approach to teaching and learning within their school system. Catholic Community Schools Director of Teaching and Learning is Sara Michaelson. She says Catholic Community Schools is committed to achieving academic excellence. Michaelson says they learned over the past few years due to the pandemic they have learned there is more to student success than just the curriculum. She says the social aspect carries significant importance.

Michaelson indicated teachers are going through a classroom 180 trauma informed instruction boot camp offered by Heather Forbes. She says they trained over 146 staff which helps their staff understand how to add tools to their toolbox in the classroom to support students. Michaelson indicates the process started over the summer but it continues through the school year and into next year and beyond.
Michaelson says the training helps teachers identify students who are undergoing trauma in their life and some practices to help deal with them. She says the goal is for teachers to make sure these students feel loved and supported in the classroom. Michaelson explained that their students have responded well to these adjustments and the feeling in their schools is positive. Catholic Community Schools has a Middle School opening house on Thursday November 3rd and in their elementary schools on Wednesday November 9th.
Cathedral Activities Director Emmett Keenan indicated changes to their youth sports programs due to the addition of 6th grade to their middle school. The new program is called Crusader Youth Sports where on Saturday mornings kids work with high school coaches and athletes on skill development, play some games, and have some fun with the goal of getting kids acclimated to that sport. Keenan explained they had 125 kids (4th-6th grade) participate in volleyball, football, and soccer. He says they also an additional 64 kids (1st - 3rd grade) participate in football. Keenan explains the benefit is the older kids are mentoring the younger kids.
If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Sara Michaelson and Emmett Keenan it is available below.
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